Singing Guide: Ant Saunders

Singing Guide: Ant Saunders

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like Ant Saunders, you need to develop a few key skills and techniques. Let's break down what makes Ant Saunders an excellent singer and how you can start emulating his style.

One of the most noticeable things about Ant Saunders' voice is his unique timbre. His voice sounds both smooth and raspy at the same time, which gives his songs a distinctive quality. To achieve a similar sound, focus on singing from the back of your throat and try to add a slight amount of breathiness to your voice. Practicing vocal fry exercises can help in achieving a similar sound.

Another hallmark of Ant Saunders' style is his relatable and conversational delivery. When he sings, it feels like he's talking directly to the listener, making the lyrics hit home. To improve your own delivery, focus on conveying the emotion behind the lyrics as authentically as possible. Do not try to overcomplicate the emotions, just focus on singing from the heart.

Regarding practical advice, one thing to keep in mind is the importance of developing a solid vocal technique. This includes things like proper breathing, good posture, and solid pitch control. Singing Carrots offers a lot of resources for developing various vocal techniques including singing courses, vocal range tests, pitch accuracy tests, and pitch training tools.

Finally, a good way to get better at singing like Ant Saunders is to study his music and the musical techniques he uses. Listen to his songs and study how he approaches melody and phrasing. Experiment with incorporating some of his techniques into your own singing, adapting and adjusting them to fit your unique voice style.

In summary, to sing like Ant Saunders:

  • Focus on vocalizing from the back of your throat and adding some breathiness to your voice
  • Try to sing with a conversational and relatable tone
  • Develop solid vocal techniques and pitch control, e.g. through Singing Carrots' exercises
  • Study Ant Saunders' music and adapt some of his techniques for your own style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.